jueves, 3 de julio de 2008


A lot of people say English is the standard language in the world because it is easy to learn. A good piece of evidence to back this claim is that English is a highly onomatopoeic language. The following is a list of formal, dictionary words that sound just like what they describe:

Bang, Bark, Bleep, Boom, Chomp, Clap, Click, Cough, Crack, Crash, Crunch, Drip, Drop, Flash, Flush, Gasp, Gulp, Gush, Knock, Pop, Rip, Screech, Sneeze, Snore, Spit, Splash, Splat, Split, Squeeze, Squirt, Swoosh, Wink, Yawn and Zip

I'm sure there are plenty more.

3 comentarios:

eusucre dijo...

jejeje q buen post!

Beatriz E. Moreno dijo...

Mi favorita creo que es Swoosh. Pop, flash and bleep tambien me gustan full aajaja. FYI si, a mi no me gustan todas las palabras por igual! jajaja Tengo mis favorita y tambien tengo las que no me gustan, junto con un monton de categorias en el medio.

Anónimo dijo...

ji jua
q copiona