miércoles, 9 de julio de 2008

This is Progressive

I have always been a firm believer of human progress. I like to hear news about progressive solutions to old problems. I read an article on BBC.com about a Saudi Arabian jihadist reform jail. They call it "care center" instead of jail and they bring inmates
that have not committed any murders from Guantanamo and several Saudi prisons. The Saudi government uses its immense wealth to fund this center which has swimming pools, ping-pong tables and other recreational infrastructure. In the care center they encourage the inmates to express their feelings through art, but the most important asset of this rehab for extremists is that they receive courses on Islam by Saudi Arabia's top scholars whom challenge the jihadists' distorted version of Islam.
The result of this type of rehab in prisoners has been remarkable, since punishment and torture jails definitely enhances their violent perception of religion rather than curve it. One of the prisoners who got out said to the BBC, "
I have a great wife. She tells me to forget Guantanamo. She says: 'Just forget it'. She says: 'You're a new man. You have a new life. You have your family. Focus on that.' That makes me feel much better."

The article can be found at news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7496375.stm

1 comentario:

Angel dijo...

damn carlos .. jajaja .. que comico conocerte es como seguir un trend de pensamientos que es super dificil estar al dia!! siempre con sus raices y sus pilares pero en constante cambio .. thats cool ...

paz ..