martes, 13 de enero de 2009


Where is that morning memory
The very instant I wake up?
A memory that travels from mind to heart
In an imperceptible fragment of time.

Now this memory doesn't ignite feelings.
But it indeed remains
In my memory’s museum;
It’s become a mental tattoo.

I ask,
Is an emotionless memory
A memory at all?
Can anyone tell me?

A tree without leafs
Produces nothing.
A memory without feelings
Produces nothing.

But when the cold winter is gone,
Spring sprouts new leafs on trees.
When my winter is gone,
Will my feelings regenerate as well?

Time will tell,
Whether or not they regenerate,
Time will tell,
Whether or not it makes a difference.

Time will tell.

But for now,
I am free.

4 comentarios:

Beatriz E. Moreno dijo...

CHUCK! ME hace falta hablar contigo! Cuando vienes, aqui tengo lo que te traje de India :) Besos!

alejandra dijo...

carlos, tu escribiste esto?

Carlitos Charlie dijo...

Sii pues hermanita, todo lo escribo yo.
si no lo escribo I quote it, le doy recomocimiento al autor.

alejandra dijo...

wow carlos! then your too good!
me alegra demasiado tener un hermano como tu, que suerte la mia. me das vida con tus conocimentos, y me matas de la risa.