Yesterday Barack Obama was elected Democratic candidate. I will tell you why I will vote for Barack Obama.
I believe America is a country of pioneer progress and change, although big changes in American history happen only every 10 to 20 years. Pioneer Americans wrote the constitution that Latin America and France used as a model. Centuries later, even though they had racial differences, Americans mobilized to make its citizens equal, with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Today it is time for progress, the time for change is ripe. We are living in a time where the country is being maneuvered by economic giants such as pharmaceutical, oil and insurance companies that push towards war instead of focusing on the wellbeing of Americans .
No candidate has had the courage to stand up against these giants except for Barack Obama. Now is the time to continue the line of progress drawn by Thomas Jefferson and continued by Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr. All of the aforementioned have something in common: the ability to mobilize people for a good cause. Barack Obama has the capacity to awake ideological belief in his cause and mobilize people towards the next step of American progress: the America its citizens deserve, an America with free health care, with fuel efficient vehicles instead of destabilizing oil prices and an America where its citizens are truly ensured, not having to pay double when ill.
Barack Obama is the candidate that inspires the country; a true hope for change, the next step in the line of progress that has made the United States of America the great country that it is. Obama is not afraid of talking to enemy states and bringing them to the table, on the basis of dialog, while assuring safety to Israel. Dialog is the weapon of the future, and the time for the beginning of a hopeful future is now.
I strongly believe Barack Obama will make a difference in this world; this is why I will vote for Barack Obama.
If you want to see videos of Obama click the following link:
3 comentarios:
I am a horribly racist and usually only vote for irish americans, but i actually agree with you Carlos
I don't think people of the U.S. realize the historical, cultural and societal significance as well as repercussions Obama's candidacy has on this country. Its more than just a change in Washington,its an opportunity to change who we are and how we are perceived as U.S. Americans.The possibilities are endless. To get an idea of what Im getting at, just repeat after me: "President Barack Hussein Obama." Think of what a message like that alone says to us as well as the world. Can you imagine?
Después de esto provoca votar por el tipo. Pero de esta me salvo, todavía no puedo votar, me toca para la próxima! Te buscaré para leerte a ver que opinas!
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