- Because if I say, “I think I’m weird” most people would say “tell me something I don’t know”.
- Because I sent an email to Apple asking them to include an “@” key on their keyboard. I don’t like having to “alt + 2” to get an “@”. They didn't respond, but I think they'll consider it.
- Because I sent an email to “El Brazo Fuerte Bakery" in Miami asking them why they picked that name and that emblem (the one in the picture) if they make cakes, it’s not a gym. They responded "because we wanted to sound powerful". Cubanos.
- Because I think they should make it a social norm not to shake hands while someone is eating. What if I’m eating a burger and someone comes from the street and shakes my hand? Who knows where his hand has been.
- Because I've been an F.C. Barcelona fan since I was a kid only because I liked the blaugrana colors and because Barça is written with a “ç”.
- Because I’ve been in the news by accident 4 times.
- Because I always make an immediate friendly connection when I meet a German, Dominican or Japanese guy, don’t know why.
- Because I hate movies but I love theatre.
- Because I’ve been reading philosophy since I was 13 - Plato, Kant, Kierkegaard, Hume, Nietzsche, Jung, Shneur Zalman and Nagarjuna, in that order until today.
- Because I love to listen to salsa and merengue, correction I love blasting salsa and merengue in my car but I don’t like dancing to them.
- Because I enjoy eating alone.
I am sure there are plenty more
7 comentarios:
jajajaja a quien se le ocurre nombrar a una panaderia El Brazo Fuerte?
OK lo de la panaderia FUE PRICELESS!! PERO FRIEND! Que es eso de comer solo? O mas comico aun: EN VERDAD andas con SAlsa y merengue a todo volumen?? Me imagino que si pasas por la panaderia BrazoFuerte con esa musica a todo volumen, TE LEVANTAS a la hija del dueño jaja y asi tal vez consigues cambiarle l nombre. A mi me parece Excelente idea lo del @ de verdad lo deberian hacer un STANDARD RULE for keyboards! A BTW I love Germans TOO no se porque!
Y no mientas! Sabes que te encanto salir en tus NEWS ;)!
Eh Bbrazo Fuette.
Voy a pedirles una torta para el dia de la madre, vamos a estar alla ese fin.
Se te olvido una:
Te gustaban los Cubs porque era el unico canal que tenia la parabolica de Lomas que traia beisbol.
Jajajaja que buenoooo! Being weird is great, in fact como siempre digo yo: Normal People Worry Me! Mi apple si tiene arroba (@), por cierto... Y FOUR TIMES??? Como dice Bea, seguro te gustó jajaja.
También me gusta tu blog!!!! Buenísimas tus incoherencias! Saludos!
jejejq bueno esta esto!!!
Ay, you are not weird!
(If you were, it would be after me... weird!)
No hay duda que si eres bien atípico, y eso hace a la gente genial!
Nice blog!
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