lunes, 24 de marzo de 2008


Home, where is home?
Where is my home at least?
Home is where the heart is, I've been told
But my heart can't be in three places
My heart is either in one place, everywhere or nowhere
And this metaphysical premise does not answer my question

My home is nowhere to be found yet
My home is patience
My home will come eventually
My home is a dream
A wife and kids to love
A house to come home to
In no particular geographic setting
...As of right now

It is hard not to have a home
It really gives you a sense of stability
Right now I'm a hippie with a job
I'm a homeless person with a shelter
I'm an orphan with a grandma
Luckily she's italian
So I eat well... She's the best

Home, I want home
I wish I could say I miss home
Home, wait for me
Just a little while longer

All the pieces in my life are scattered
Please home, give me some hints
Where are you? Give me some hints
So I can put my life together

6 comentarios:

Ma. Gabriela Silva dijo...

(L) los amo

Beatriz E. Moreno dijo...

FRIEND!!! home is in your heart! A todos nos pasa! créeme! es el quest de conseguir nuestro lugar en el mundo! you have a blank canvas to draw your future como TU LO QUIERAS!

y por cierto about mi post! jaja YES OUCH! en estos dias hablamos por MSN!

Isabella dijo...

I'm over here! Spread out around the world, home is where your mama and your papa and your sisters are, when you're in their hearts and think sweet thoughts of you. Home will never leave you, even as you leave to create a new home. Home is Greta and Emma and Kiera, home is smiling 'cause your sister loves you :).

Ma. Gabriela Silva dijo...

i miss you my nigga

Ma. Gabriela Silva dijo...

"Home, wait for me
Just a little while longer"


i still los amo, and i still miss you. you are my nigga! =)

Anónimo dijo...

El mismo sentimiento de muchos "cultural half-breeds" (hasta triple-breeds) como nosotros. Mejor lo demuestra el arquetipo de los half-breeds Kevin Johansen en "Sur o no Sur":

Me voy porque acá no se puede,
me vuelvo porque allá tampoco
Me voy porque aquí se me debe,
me vuelvo porque allá están locos
Sur o no sur...

Me voy porque aquí no me alcanza,
me vuelvo porque no hay esperanza
Me voy porque aquí se aprovechan,
me vuelvo porque allá me echan
Sur o no sur...

No sé por qué pasa lo que me pasa,
quizás sea la vejez
Quisiera quedarme aquí en mi casa,
pero ya no sé cuál es