jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2007


There are many definitions to this term. Some call Kabbalah the “innermost dimension of Torah.” Others call it the “mystic interpretation of Torah” and a Rabbi once told me that Kabbalah is the “anatomy of the soul.”
So many definitions point to the fact that Kabbalah expresses an indescribable aspect of reality; it studies the ineffable nature of G-d.
Before the 18th century, Kabbalah was a secret system of teachings passed on from generation to generation of rabbinical sages. The central work of Kabbalah is the Zohar, an extensive commentary on the Torah that illuminates the subliminal wisdom of this blessed book.

Fortunately, Kabbalah was made accessible to the common man in the 18th century by Ukranian Rabbi Israel Ben Eliezer, also known as the Baal Shem Tov or “Master of the Good Name.” In addition to the teachings of Kabbalah, the Baal Shem Tov also founded one of today’s most influential groups within Judaism: Hasidism. The Hasidic orthodox philosophy of Judaism emphasizes living the Torah in accordance with the precepts of Kabbalah made accessible by the Zohar. Hasidic Jews are easy to spot because they dress just like the nobility used to dress in 18th Century Eastern Europe. Black coat, black pants, black hat, white long sleeve button down shirt and a long beard; this is the Hasidic dress code.

There are many groups that emerged within the Hasidic movement, the most influential one is known as Chabad. Members of the Chabad family are orthodox Jews and they live a selfless life of working for the unification of the Jewish people. As it is known, World War II displaced many Jewish families all over the world and Chabad was faced with a gigantic challenge: not letting Jews lose their Jewish practices, no matter where they were in the world. The Chabad movement sent many Rabbis with their wives and children as missionaries to live in different parts of the world to serve as the communities' Rabbis and to teach the Kabbalistic interpretation of Torah. The Chabad headquarters is in Brooklyn, NY and today there are thousands of Chabad houses in the planet; Caracas has two Chabad houses.

Sages and scholars of Kabbalah have discovered many hidden truths in the Torah, some regarding the Ein Sof, or the eternal and infinite light that is the real and incomprehensible aspect of G-d. They have also discovered day to day advices hidden within the passages of the Torah. Through Kabbalah, Sages have attributed each of the Torah's 613 mitzvoth to each of the 613 parts of the body, so there is a part of the body for each mitzvah. This is the result of the extensive study of Torah passed on through generations. Kabbalah is the evidence that G-d left many secret messages so people continue to read and study Torah, for an infinity of wisdom is found in this blessed book.

Ps. The most famous Chabad Hasid is reggae singer Matisyahu (picture), and many of his lyrics are Kabbalistic in nature.

miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2007

Compassion and Wisdom

They go together. Hand in hand.

You cannot be wise and not be compassionate.
You cannot be compassionate and not be wise.
You can use compassion to gain wisdom.
You can use wisdom to gain compassion.

Wisdom is not intelligence.
Einstein is intelligent, Jesus of Nazareth is wise.
Compassion is not pity, for pity is feeling bad for someone.
Compassion is feeling for someone.

Intelligence is difficult to acquire.
Wisdom can be easily accumulated, when letting go of the ego.
In the same way, compassion can be developed.
If examined thoroughly with an open heart.

Are compassion and wisdom intertwined?
These two values are not even intertwined.

They are one and the same.

sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2007

Fey Rules

La cantante mexicana Fey es demasiado talentosa. Oigo Fey con regularidad y me gusta verdaderamente. Mis canciones preferidas son:

Bajo El Arcoiris
Bailando Sola

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2007

Emptiness of the Imperceptible

This verse was written by the Noble Buddhist master Chandrakirti, while reflecting on the true essence of the perception of reality.

Emptiness of the imperceptible:

The present does not abide;
The past and the future do not exist.
Wherever you look, you don’t see them,
So the three times (past, present and future)
Are called “imperceptible.”

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2007

Falta de Creatividad

Me he dado cuenta que uno de los problemas más graves que tiene Venezuela es la falta de creatividad. Nos hemos acostumbrado a lo largo de los años a adquirir productos y corrientes culturales desde afuera. Tanto así que hemos convertido en “nuestro” cosas que vienen de afuera, como el dicho “todo buen venezolano tiene una botella de whiskey en su casa”. La gente cree que la salsa y el merengue son nuestros, pero en realidad son importados de afuera, y el reggaeton igual. Los grupos de música aplaudidos son como Tartara que no han inventado ni una canción por su cuenta. Son unos copiadores de gente con creatividad. Mientras Colombia (que está peor que nosotros) saca Shakiras, Carlos Viveses y Gabriel García Márqueces nosotros sacamos a Chino y Nacho y a los editores de Las Últimas Noticias.

Esta falta de creatividad es un problema porque no estamos acostumbrados a pensar de forma original en ningún aspecto en nuestras vidas. Nos cuesta mucho buscar soluciones creativas a nuestros problemas. Esa es una de las razones por las cuales estamos estancados en un pozo político. Adivinen cuál venezolano fue creativo. Sólo se necesitaba un venezolano con creatividad para que nos esclavizara en su dictadura disfrazada.

Que es de esos nombres de compañías aquí en Venezuela. Todos empiezan en “VEN” y terminan en “CA” o “SA” dependiendo si son compañía o sociedad anónima. Venezolana de Coletos Sociedad Anónima “VENCOLSA”. COMPRE SUS COLETOS VENCOLSA, LOS MEJORES!! PIDA VENCOLSA!
Que falta de creatividad, cómo no se les ocurrió un nombre distinto. Vayan por la calle y vean la cantidad de compañías con el prefijo VEN y el sufijo CA o SA. La gente no está acostumbrada a usar el cerebro para buscar ser creativo ni tampoco la sociedad premia la originalidad.

Nos estamos hundiendo en nuestro propio pozo y la única salvación es buscar una solución creativa. Pensemos creativamente, pensemos como pensó Ghandi, pensemos en una opción que nunca ha sido pensada. Seamos los originales. Hagamos que la historia del planeta nos recuerde como los venezolanos que buscaron una solución original y creativa. Salvemos este país por medio de la creatividad.