This is a prayer I wrote for the Buddha of Long Life, Buddha Amitayus. He is the representation of how living in compassion and spirituality brings about a long life. As in the picture to the right, he is red in color and he is holding a vase with the nectar of long life.
His mantra is
Homage to Buddha Amitayus
Homage to Buddha Amitayus!
Protector of all those without refuge
Destroyer of all untimely death
Defender of precious human existence
May your nectar of long life make my Lamas
Tulku Karma Gyurme Sonam Rinpoche and
Khenpo Kenchen Tsewang Gyatso live long lives
And may their missions be accomplished until Samsara ends!
When I see signs of untimely death,
May I in that second see you, Buddha Amitayus
And have you fill my body with your long life nectar
So I can live a longer virtuous life for the benefit of all beings
And if I do experience untimely death,
May I visualize you, protector Buddha Amitayus
Sitting on the top of my crown
And may you guide me into full enlightenment
May your nectar of long life fill the bodies
Of those of other religions
who live virtuous and compassionate lives
May they live long and may they find the Dharma in a next life
Oh Buddha Amitayus, may your blessed nectar
Fill the lives of my virtuous friends and my family
And may your nectar of enlightenment
Eradicate all diseases and spirit harms from them
Oh Bhagawan, may my prayers for strangers
Cleanse the essence of their actions
And have them seek a life of practice
In this life or the next, may they encounter the Holy Dharma
Please Guru Buddha, make all beings live long lives
For if they are blessed with your nectar
They will live virtuous lives, regardless of their past actions
Please Buddha Amitayus, continue to be our refuge
Homage to Buddha Amitayus!